Silver Springs Organics Commercial Composting Facility in Rainier, Washington
Silver Springs Organics, LLC
Organic Waste Recycling | Soil Amendments | Organic Compost | Erosion Control
Silver Springs Mission
Silver Springs Organics is dedicated to:
- Improving our environment through waste reduction and recycling by diverting organic wastes from landfills and transforming them into a renewable, high-grade compost product
- Creating good jobs and improving the local economy
- Remaining a steward of the Silver Springs Ranch, and preserving it for the enjoyment of future generations
About Silver Spring Organics
- We donate compost to aid student gardens
- Silver Springs Organics helps Saint Martin’s University recycle
- Silver Springs Organics and LeMay recycle food waste
- Silver Springs Organics offers tours of any size!
Creating Silver Springs Organics
Creating Silver Springs Organics has been a journey that’s included the support of our neighbors, business partners, County and State officials. Without your support, our journey would still be a dream.
Click here to view commonly acceptable organic materials
From I-5 south of Rochester
I-5 north to Exit 88A - east to Tenino. Go through Tenino on SR 507. 3 miles north of town turn left onto Military Rd SE (McIntosh Lake). We are 2.7 miles on your left.
From I-5 north of Lacey
I-5 south to Exit 109 - Martin Way, Turn Right at end of ramp. Turn Left on College (first left). Go 14 miles (College turns into Rainier Rd), to blinking light at Military Rd SE. Turn right. We are 1.4 miles on your right.

Silver Springs Organics Commercial Composting Facility
Contact us at
1000 – Georgia Frost, Office Manager
1002 – Michael Houseman, Operations Manager